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Guess the Stephen King novel for the 30 excerpts below. Best 3 entries get a Platinum Award. This gives the author a month of Reddit Premium, which includes 700 Coins for that month, and shows a Platinum Award. Please read the rules carefully! Number your answers to match each excerpt. If you don't know, take a guess. Contents ends Sunday December 22 at 10:00 PM EST (GMT-5). Entries received after that will not be considered for an award. I will try to post the winners by Monday December 23 SEND ME A PRIVATE MESSAGE WITH YOUR ANSWERS! (click on my username, on the right, click More Options, click Send Message) PLEASE DO NOT POST YOUR ANSWERS AS A COMMENT BELOW. I will politely ask you to delete your comment if you do. LEAVE A COMMENT LIKE "I submitted my answers" so I can give your comment an award. Otherwise I'll have to seek out some other random comment you left on another post, and award that. I don't see a way to award coins directly to a user. One submission per user. If you send multiple entries, I will only judge your first entry.

Watch dolores claiborne

The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah But you know what they say about sticks and stones. Everything's Eventual: Everything's Eventual And you know what they say about a guilty conscience. Everything's Eventual: Riding the Bullet You know what they say about a bird in the hand. Four Past Midnight: The Library Policeman You know what they say, Lukey—one's too many and a thousand are never enough. The Bazaar of Bad Dreams: Drunken Fireworks You know what they say, a boy's best friend is his— The Bazaar of Bad Dreams: Ur Ur-Chinese just doesn't taste the same, and you know what they say about German Chinese—an hour later you're hungry for power.

The rear wheels spun uselessly. After an endless time, the pain began to fade to a dull sensation of pressure. Otherwise, the lower half of his body was totally gone. She made him burn the first page, the last page, and nine pairs of pages from various points in the manuscript—because nine, she said, was a number of power, and nine doubled was lucky. He was convulsing again. His arms flopped bonelessly. White vapor drifted from her tailpipe; her engine throbbed and purred. "In the name of God the Father! " he cried, and his voice took on a hoarse, commanding note that made them all draw closer to him. The sound of dead laughter. She barked to show that she knew this smell and had put it safely away in her library of scents.

Snick and snee. "Ike and Mike, they think alike, " "Oooh, E! " she moaned. "Ooooh, E! OOOHH, EEEE-EEEEEEE! " Baby, can you dig your man? She is two women in the same body. She was one woman when I entered her, and another when I returned here. Rage washed over him in a red wave at this bare-faced lie. "GODDAMMIT, I'VE GOT A BIG GUN HERE AND I'LL START SHOOTING AT GAS TANKS YOU SHITBIRD AND THERE'LL BE A FUCKING BARBECUE WHEN I GET DONE! " She realized only now, when it was too late, how neatly—how cruelly—she had been trapped. Only then something happened. Something bad. Something horrible. It felt as if she had ripped his lower jaw right out of its sockets. "P'raps he had enough magic left—even as a tyger—to make his own dinner. Out of thin air, like. " "Help me! Somebody help me! I'm in the shed! I'M IN THE SHED! " He spoke calmly. "It could destroy everything. " He opened his mouth and blood poured out. He made a grinding insectile sound, like a cicada burrowing into a tree. Then the car smashed broadside into one of the embankments, rebounded, slewed halfway around, and came to a stop.

Dolores claiborne stephen king

ADDENDUM #2: The Green Mile is listed by it's 8 parts. You can just use Green Mile. ADDENDUM #3: 0. 5 point if answer is right, but spelled wrong and/or wrong capitalization. ADDENDUM #4: 0. 5 point for specifying The Dark Tower rather than the specific Dark Tower novel The 30 excerpts below are ONLY from Novels. Not Novellas or Short-Stories. Some are easy, and some are hard. I had to make some really hard because ya'll know this stuff too well, so none of the excerpts have names, and no hints or clues. I only included one excerpt per novel Some novels could be Richard Bachman novels I reserve the right to change or add rules. I'll notify each person that submits answers if there are any rule additions or changes. No excerpts will be changed. In the interest of fairness, please try not to cheat by searching your eBooks, or searching the web. You are free to search your non-digital books, or listen to your audio books. EXCERPTS: She was blown away, muchacho. Now he let another long and ghastly fart, a passage of wind which seemed to go on and on.

The old Det-Ret was too busy watching TV, eating Pop-Tarts, and playing with that gun he kept on the table beside his chair. The blade was sharp, but his strength failed him a little at the last moment, and instead of coming off, the earlobe dangled by a shred of gristle. "Warning! Warning 47! Third warning, 47! " A tampon suddenly struck her in the chest and fell with a plop at her feet. Her aura changed at once, from a gray-blue shot with those pinkish sparks to a red as bright as the side of a fire engine. She fell sideways onto her desk and then rolled onto the floor, and that expectant expression never left her face. "I'm going to die in the woods. " Not a question this time. The thing in the corner was the size of a very large bat, like the ones that roosted in Miracle Caves over in Lassburg or the so-called Wonder Cavern (guided tours three dollars a head, special family rates available) in Pogus City. "I mean we're fixing to kill a gift of God, " he said. Half and half. Criss and cross.

AIRED: 10/28/00 When Kristy and Antonio both get jobs working at the local cinema, they enjoy working together until a promotion becomes available. They each work on a marketing ploy - Antonio makes an elaborate spacecraft out of candy boxes, and Kristy organizes a late night celebrity showing of Saved By The Bell: Wedding in Las Vegas with a celebrity appearance from Dustin Diamond, a. k. a. "Screech". Kristy gains the promotion, and bosses an envious Antonio around so much that he quits, and his relationship with Kristy hits a rocky patch. Meanwhile, Mary Beth has a romantic dream about Eugene. She finds herself attracted to him in daylight too, so they go out on a date, and have a good time until they kiss. more less Trivia, Notes, Quotes and Allusions See All Trivia, Notes, Quotes and Allusions Trivia & Quotes

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The exception is if I allow you to re-submit due to a rule change or addition. After the contest ends, I will post everyone's answers and scores (1 point per right answer), and indicate which answers were wrong and why, and what the right answer were. Top score is 30. Ties in score will be broken by submission date and time, earlier being better. IMPORTANT: SPELLING and CAPITALIZATION COUNTS! You must spell and capitalize the names of the novels EXACTLY as listed on Stephen King Novels and Bachman Novels. So these would be wrong answers: Running Man, Salem's Lot, 11-22-63, The Gunslinger, Dr. Sleep, Desparation, Pet Semetary, Dolores Claiborn, Cycle of the Warewolf, Geralds Game, CUJO, carrie, Duma key, DreamCatcher, It. ADDENDUM #1: Do not use name on cover image. Use the name in text on the web page that you can copy/paste. Sometimes they are different, for example The Wind Through the Keyhole has this on the cover: THE WIND THROUGH THE KEYHOLE A Dark Tower Novel, but the text you can copy/paste reads The Dark Tower: The Wind Through the Keyhole.

Watch dolores claiborne

11-22-63 You know what they say —you can't fight City Hall. But you know what they say about Jews: they never forget a debt or a favor. You know what they say about the Mob, George—once in, never out. Desperation You know what they say about using the tools. Doctor Sleep you know what they say —the hand that rocks the fuckin cradle rules the fuckin world. You know what they say at the end of every meeting, right? 'What you saw here, what you heard here, when you leave here, let it stay here. ' Dolores Claiborne you know what they say —fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. Duma Key you know what they say: shit happens. you know what they say: denial drowned Pharaoh and Moses led the Children of Israel free. End of Watch Well, you know what they say —you can't be too thin or too rich. Mr. Mercedes I'm like the curious cat. You know what they say —satisfaction brought him back. You know what they say, two heads are better than one. Needful Things Besides, you know what they say; 'twas curiosity killed the cat, but it was satisfaction that brought him back.

Finders Keepers "You know what they say, " Hodges replies as Madden reaches for the driver's-side door. "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. " Well, you know what they say —in the midst of fuckin life we're in fuckin death. The Outsider You know what they say about beagles—they're high-toned but low-slung. You know what they say, there are none so blind as those who will not see. you know what they say —a foreskin just wants to get in. Revival Well, you know what they say, Jamie: The road to hell is paved with good intentions. you know what they say —if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. But you know what they say —go big or go home. Rose Madder But you know what they say about the long arm of the law. Sleeping Beauties You know what they say around here, don't you? It ain't bragging if it's the truth. Under the Dome you know what they say bout any port in a storm. You know what they say —when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla You know what they say about the priesthood; we're just a bunch of closet queers running around and shaking the cross in people's faces.

January 9, 2021