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Comments || Link Express_Hyena Testing sewage can provide an early warning of COVID-19 outbreaks, detecting community spread 3 to 5 days before hospital admissions rise. Comments || Link CharyBrown NASA and SpaceX targeting Nov. 14 for next crewed launch to ISS Comments || Link astrojaket Doubts over a 'possible sign of life' on Venus show how science works Comments || Link Chancellor-Parks model of Accretion disk formation & White dwarf star WD J0914+1914 using C++ Comments || Link speckz The onshore wind cost has fallen to $26 a megawatt-hour, and utility-scale solar is $29. Forget coal - that means that building new wind and solar is now cheaper than keeping many existing gas plants running. Comments || Link NextInvestorsAdmin Australians discover a paperclip sized brain implant that lets people control computers with their thoughts Comments || Link shmoo22 Scientists Discover the First Room-Temperature Superconductor Comments || Link ChazMagnum People who asked for a pencil every single day in school.

How is life going for you? Comments || Link stem12345679 The 1920s were known as the Roaring Twenties — what do you predict the 2020s will be nicknamed as? Comments || Link NellieKane What are some oddly specific signs that someone's a good person? Comments || Link Po1sonator TIL Ryan Reynolds paid $10, 000 of his own money for the right to wear a shirt with The Golden Girl's Bea Arthur on it in Deadpool. The estate agreed for a donation in that amount to a charity of their choosing. Ryan paid it himself because he felt you couldn't have Deadpool without Bea Arthur. Comments || Link JHopeHoe TIL a British nurse named Edith Cavell helped treat soldiers regardless of their nationalities in WWI. She also helped them escape from German occupied Belgium. When caught, she refused to lie about her actions and was executed by firing squad. Comments || Link chubwhump TIL that in the Falklands, an abandoned minefield has accidentally become a penguin sanctuary. The mines were set in the Falklands conflict and have remained there since, keeping humans away.

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Comments || Link samidaoud11 Pretty sure this is my best clip. Comments || Link

January 10, 2021