Vegas Odds Game Of Thrones Season 8

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"I don't think anyone deserves it, " the actress claimed during season 8 press interviews. "I think everyone just needs to stop being so obsessed with this bloody Iron Throne. " 3. Jon Snow HBO Jon Snow knows nothing, and in today's political climate, that makes him perfectly suited for the job! The King in the North has proven his ability to lead and garner support and mobilization from some of the kingdom's most stalwart families, and he's already cheated death once. Plus, his newly-revealed bloodline gives him a legitimate claim to the throne -- provided, of course, that it's still standing once the White Walkers arrive. Vegas Odds: +350 (2nd overall) Cast Support: Jon has the support of some GoT heavyweights, including Mark Addy, who played the late king Robert Baratheon, and Richard Dormer aka Beric Dondarrion. We'd also like to assume that Kit Harington's real-life wife, Rose Leslie, who played the Wildling Ygritte, is in his corner as well. 2. Daenerys Targaryen HBO No one believes that Daenerys deserves the throne more than the Khaleesi herself.

Vegas odds game of thrones season 8 download torrent

The final season of Game of Thrones might be a mere six episodes, but the hype for HBO's sword-and-sorcery epic has never been stronger. While fans the world over flood the internet with their own theories, all we do know is that the series will end more or less how George R. R. Martin's books will. Granted, that doesn't give any definitive answers, so Vegas is taking bets on all possible outcomes on who (if anyone) will sit on the Iron Throne. However, as Variety has noted, whoever takes the crown isn't the only thing on bettors' minds. There's the ever-popular Cleganebowl, which would pit the Mountain against his little brother the Hound -- who is favored to win. Although the odds of the Mountain winning are about even with both of them going down in the battle. The odds of seeing Quaithe again, who's been MIA since Season 2, are looking slim, which would leave one of the show's most enticing mysteries unresolved. One of the wilder theories in there is whether Arya Stark will wear Littlefinger's face at some point.

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In the episode, Cersei (Lena Headey) tells Euron (Pilou Asbæk) that he is the father of her unborn baby for the first time we see on-screen. There's no 23andMe in Westeros, so Captain Jack Sparrow Euron buys it ― having no idea that Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) is the child's actual father. They're one big, happy, murderous family for about two minutes until the army of Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) meets with Cersei at the gates of King's Landing. Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) tries to plead with his sister to surrender, begging her to do it for the life of her child. But wait. Since Euron just found out about the baby, and he's standing right behind Cersei in the scene, wouldn't he question how Tyrion knew this information? That's what fans were wondering after the episode. For Nutter, the scene wasn't really about that. "I think Euron, he's not paying that much attention, " Nutter said, explaining that the scene was more about Tyrion appealing to Cersei's softer side. Apparently, Tyrion wanted Cersei to "realize that she wasn't a monster at all, that she was really, truly a mother. "

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Winter is here, and all men must die, but only one of our favorite Game of Thrones characters can end up on the Iron Throne, right? Before the HBO drama returns for its massively anticipated eighth and final season, it's time to break down the strongest contenders for the series' ultimate goal -- beyond just staying alive, that is. With many different claims to the throne and several branches of royal lineage at play, there is no clear frontrunner, and likely won't be until the last sword has fallen, but ET's Leanne Aguilera put the cast on the spot at the Game of Thrones season 8 premiere and press events last week, asking who they thought deserved the title. Opinions were split in many directions, with some naming long-dead characters like Ned Stark and Hodor, and others pointing out that no GoT character truly "deserves" the throne. "Everybody's got their pluses and their minuses, nobody deserves it outright, " noted John Bradley, who plays Samwell Tarly. GoT creator George R. R. Martin, however, may have the best take of all, with his vote for "Ser Pounce! "

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